manifest.json Configuration

In this article, we will provide a detailed explanation of all the supported fields in the manifest.json file for an Eagle plugin.

Each plugin must include a manifest.json file. This file defines the plugin's execution method and basic information such as the plugin's name, version number, and entry point for the execution code.

A complete configuration for a manifest.json file might look like this:

    "id": "LBCZE8V6LPCKD",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "platform": "all",
    "arch": "all",
    "name": "Windows Plugin",
    "logo": "/logo.png",
    "keywords": [],
    "devTools": false,
        "url": "index.html",
        "width": 640,
        "height": 480,
        "minWidth": 640,
        "minHeight": 480,
        "maxWidth": 640,
        "maxHeight": 480,
        "alwaysOnTop": false,
        "frame": true,
        "fullscreenable": true,
        "maximizable": true,
        "minimizable": true,
        "resizable": true,
        "backgroundColor": "#ffffff",
        "multiple": false,
        "runAfterInstall": false

Example of each field in the manifest.json file for a plugin:

  • id - Plugin ID

  • version - Plugin Version

  • platform - Support Platform

    • all - Support All Platforms

    • mac - macOS only

    • win - Windows OS only

  • arch - CPU Architectures

    • all - Support All Architectures

    • arm - only support arm architecture

    • x64 - only support x64 architecture

  • name - Plugin Name

  • logo - Plugin Logo File (only support png, jpg, webp format)

  • keywords - Plugin Keywords, In addition to the plugin name, adding "keywords" can help users quickly find the plugin when searching.

  • devTools - To open the developer debug window for your plugin, you need to specify this setting.

  • main - Plugin main entry configuration

    • url - Entry Page

    • width - Window width

    • height - Window height

    • minWidth - Window min-width

    • minHeight - Window min-height

    • maxWidth - Window max-width

    • maxHeight - Window max-height

    • alwaysOnTop - Whether the window is always on top of other windows, default value is false.

    • frame - Default value is true. When set to false, a frameless window is used. This is a special window mode that does not have an outer shell (including window border, title bar, toolbar, etc.) and only contains web page content.

    • fullscreenable - Whether the window can enter fullscreen mode, default value is true.

    • maximizable - Whether the window can be maximized, default value is true.

    • minimizable - Whether the window can be minimized, default value is true.

    • resizable - Whether the window size can be adjusted, default value is true.

    • backgroundColor - Window background color, default value is #FFF.

    • multiple - Whether the window can be opened multiple times, default value is false.

    • runAfterInstall - Automatically opens after installation, default value is false.

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