Publish Plugin

This article will detail how to package and publish plugins to the Eagle Plugin Center.

Publish your plugin to the Eagle Plugin Center

To publish your plugin project to the Eagle Plugin Center, you need to first export the plugin in .eagleplugin format.

Submit a new version

If you need to submit a new version, you can follow these steps:

  1. Click "Submit" from the top right corner

  2. Select "Submit Plugin"

  3. Click "Upload"

  4. Select your plugin and upload (the plugin must be a .eagleplugin file)

  5. Fill in the relevant introduction information

  6. Fill in the content of this version update

  7. Submit for review and wait for the review results

After passing the review, your plugin can be listed on the Eagle Plugin Center.

Provide User Support

As a plugin developer, you need to provide user support. When submitting a plugin for review, you need to add a support contact. This can be an email address that users can contact, or a link to a website or help center. In this way, users can obtain technical support through the information you provide.

Last updated