
Retrieve Eagle application attributes like version, architecture, and language.

Here are common attributes for the app:

console.log(;                // Eagle version
console.log(;                  // Eagle Build number
console.log(;                 // Application interface language, en/zh_CN/zh_TW/ja_JP
console.log(;                   // x86 | x64
console.log(;               // darwin | win32
console.log(;              // true | false, whether the operating system is Windows
console.log(;                  // true | false, whether the operating system is Mac
console.log(;   // Whether it is running in rosetta translation mode



Check if the current system is in dark (Dark) mode.

  • Returns boolean - Whether the current system is in Dark mode.;        // true | false


You can request the following paths by name:

  • name string - You can request the following paths by name:

    • home - User's home folder (main directory)

    • appData - Application data directory for each user, defaults to:

    • userData - Folder for storing your application configuration files, default is the appData folder plus the application's name. User data files should be written here by convention, but it is not recommended to write large files, as some environments will back up this directory to cloud storage.

    • temp - Temporary folder

    • exe - Current executable file

    • desktop - Current user's desktop folder

    • documents - Path of the user's documents directory

    • downloads - Path of the user's download directory

    • music - Path of the user's music directory

    • pictures - Path of the user's picture directory

    • videos - Path of the user's video directory

    • recent - Directory of the user's recent files (Windows only).

  • Returns Promise<path: string> - path query path result.

await'appData');   // 'C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming'
await'pictures');   // 'C:\Users\User\Pictures'
await'desktop');    // 'C:\Users\User\Desktop'

Note: This feature is similar to Electron API's app.getPath feature.

getFileIcon(path[, options])

Get the icon associated with the specified path file.

  • path string - File path for which you want to get the icon

  • options Object (optional)

    • size string

    • small - 16x16

    • normal - 32x32

    • large - 32x32 on Windows, not supported on macOS.

  • Returns Promise<img: NativeImage>

let img = await'path_to_file', { size: 'small' });

// Get image information
let base64 = img.toDataURL();
let size = img.getSize();   // {'width': 16, height: 16}

// Save to computer
let buffer = img.toPNG();
require('fs').writeFileSync('output_path/example.png', buffer);

Note: This feature is similar to Electron API's app.getAppIcon feature.

createThumbnailFromPath(path, maxSize)

Get the icon associated with the file at the specified path.

  • path string - The file path to get the thumbnail from

  • maxSize Size - The maximum width and height (positive number) of the returned thumbnail. On Windows platform, maxSize.height will be ignored and height will be scaled according to maxSize.width

  • Returns Promise<img: NativeImage>

    • img NativeImage - The thumbnail preview image of the file.

let img = await'path_to_file', { 
    height: 200, 
    width: 200 

// Obtain image information
let base64 = img.toDataURL();
let size = img.getSize();	// {'width': 200, height: 150}

// Save to computer
let buffer = img.toPNG();
require('fs').writeFileSync('output_path/example.png', buffer);

Note: This function is similar to the Electron API's nativeImage.createThumbnailFromPath(path, maxSize) function.



string property, get the current Eagle application version.


number property, get the current Eagle application Build Number.


string property, get the current Eagle application interface language.

  • en - English

  • zh_CN - Simplified Chinese

  • zh_TW - Traditional Chinese

  • ja_JP - Japanese

  • ko_KR - Korean

  • es_ES - Spanish

  • de_DE - German

  • ru_RU - Russian


string property, returns the CPU architecture of the operating system.

  • x64

  • arm64

  • x86


string property, returns a string identifying the operating system platform.

  • darwin - macOS operating system

  • win32 - Windows operating system


Object property, returns an object of environment variables.


  APPDATA: "C:\\Users\\User\\AppData\\Roaming",
	HOMEPATH: "\\Users\\User",
  LANG: "zh_TW.UTF-8",
  TEMP: "C:\\Users\\User\\AppData\\Local\\Temp"



string property, current application execution path.


"C:\\Program Files\\Eagle\\Eagle.exe"


number property, current plugin process id.


boolean property, is the current operating system Windows.


boolean property, is the current operating system Mac.


boolean property, when true it indicates that the current application is running in ARM64 runtime (e.g., macOS Rosetta Translator Environment or Windows WOW).

Hint: This function is similar to the Electron API's app.runningUnderARM64Translation function. You can use this property to prompt users to download the arm64 version of the application when they mistakenly run the x64 version in a translation environment.


string property, the current theme color name, such as LIGHT, LIGHTGRAY, GRAY, DARK, BLUE, PURPLE.

Last updated