
Log specific information in Eagle software for debugging and troubleshooting during development.

Click here to see how to obtain Eagle software logs.

eagle.log.debug('debug message from plugin');
eagle.log.info('info message from plugin');
eagle.log.warn('warn message from plugin');
eagle.log.error('error message from plugin');

// [13:19:39.845] [debug] [plugin] "debug message from plugin"
// [13:19:39.845] [info] [plugin] "info message from plugin"
// [13:19:39.845] [warn] [plugin] "warn message from plugin"
// [13:19:39.845] [error] [plugin] "error message from plugin"



Log debug-type content to the software log

  • obj Object - The content to be recorded, can be Object, String, Array, and other formats

eagle.log.debug('error message from plugin');


Log info-type content to the software log

  • obj Object - The content to be recorded, can be Object, String, Array, and other formats


Log warn-type content to the software log

  • obj Object - The content to be recorded, can be Object, String, Array, and other formats


Log error-type content to the software log

  • obj Object - The content to be recorded, can be Object, String, Array, and other formats

try {
    let a = {};
    a.b.c = 'test';
catch (err) {
    eagle.log.error('error message from plugin');
    eagle.log.error(err.stack || err);

// [13:23:24.191] [error] [plugin] "error message from plugin"
// [13:23:24.191] [error] [plugin] "TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'c')\n    at <anonymous>:3:11"

Last updated