
The eagle.tagGroup API allows easy access to the tag groups in the current application.

// Get all tag groups
const tagGroups = (await eagle.tagGroup.get());



Retrieves all tag groups.

  • Returns Promise<tagGroups: Object[]> - the query result for tagGroups.

const tagGroups = (await eagle.tagGroup.get());


Creates a new tag group.

  • Returns Promise<tagGroup: Object> - the newly created tag group.

await eagle.tagGroup.create({
    name: "new group",
    color: "red",
    tags: ["tag1", "tag2"]

Instance Methods


Saves changes to the tag group.

  • Returns Promise<tagGroup: Object> - the result of the save operation.

const tagGroups = (await eagle.tagGroup.get());
const tagGroup = tagGroups[0];

tagGroup.name = "new name";
tagGroup.color = "red"; // red, orange, yellow, green, aqua, blue, purple, pink
tagGroup.tags = ["tag1", "tag2"];

await tagGroup.save();


Removes the tag group.

  • Returns Promise<result: boolean> - whether the removal was successful.

const tagGroups = (await eagle.tagGroup.get());
const tagGroup = tagGroups[0];

await tagGroup.remove();

Last updated